A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2016)

“Though she be but little, she is fierce!” – Hermia

AMND-ShSa1-6109Blake thespians and audiences got more than they bargained for – Shakespeare twice in two years! After a successful futuristic
, Blake Stage Company amazed audiences again with the comic A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Photos currently include a dress rehearsal and the first part of Friday’s opening night.  Check back for more after you’ve gone through these.

And you’re correct if you thought that a few of the fairies were a bit small to be Blake regulars. Director Michel D’Anna added a youth ensemble as an extra treat.  Many thanks to our elementary and middle high cast members who added so tremendously much to the mainstage atmosphere!

Big monitors work better for these – trust me. You’ll miss a lot on your phone’s screen – even a large two-handed one that works fine for Angry Birds!

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Photos

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